2022-10-19 Variable Speed of Light in 3-dimensional Euclidean Space
N. Sotina and N. Lvov
The speed of light according to special relativity has the same constant value c with respect to a distant star, as it has with respect to the Earth or with respect to a moving source. Special relativity explains this paradox through kinematics. It proposes that space is 4-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean and, hence, the classical law of velocity addition is not applicable. In this work we show that experimental observations of the constancy of the speed of light can be explained remaining in the framework the three-dimensional Euclidean space model and the classical law of velocity addition. But in this case, we have to accept the existence of some ‘hidden’ dynamics that leads to equalization of the velocity of light (photon) to value c within the same frame. We show mathematically that the transverse Doppler Effect can be used in support of such hypothesis (note, that the transverse Doppler Effect is still considered the main arguments in favor of the relativistic kinematics). Astronomical observations of binary stars also support the hypothesis that the speed of light changes within a physical frame of reference.
By accepting the existence of some ‘hidden’ dynamics, we show that experimental observations of the constancy of the speed of light can be explained in three-dimensional Euclidean space and the classical law of velocity addition. A mathematical analysis of the transverse Doppler Effect supports this hypothesis.
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author = {Sotina, Nina and Lvov, Nadia},
title = {Variable Speed of Light in 3-dimensional Euclidean Space},
year = {2022},
pages = {Online},
journal = {Proceedings; Harbingers of Neophysics},
publisher = {PhysNew Ltd},
address = {Ryde, UK},
issn = {0000-0000},
url = {https://neophysics.org/p/1303},
urldate = {2024-10-22},
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