You are free to upload your PDF files in whatever format and styling, however do consider using the recommended formats and styling as defined by our templates.

Latex Template         Word Template is designed as a mobile friendly website. That means fonts on the webpage are larger. Reading PDF files on a mobile’s smallish screen is difficult. Displaying a PDF file on the small mobile screen, the one-inch margin on the standard A4 or Letter size format is also displayed thereby shrinking the text with useless white margins on the edge of the screen. That often makes the printed matter too small for comfortable reading. Also, in consideration of future paper publishing we have decided on the near universal standard of 6×9 inch format.  We have prepared templates for MS Word and LaTeX which define a page size of 5.2×8.4 inch with narrow margins. Printing this page centrally on a 6×9 page the margins required by printers are established.